How to increase earnings with Propellerads

Propellerads is the CPM (Cost per impression) advertisement which is among of the best Adsense alternative for 2019. Propellerads works fine for all sites especially downloads sites, Beauty, Celebrity, Lifestyle, viral, Entertainment and much more.

Propellerads is the best because it offers useful solutions enough for any publisher to monetize site in according to preferences. The networks offer Pop, push, survey, interstitial and direct link with higher CPM rates compared to other network.

Good from them;

Its in-push push provides incremental earnings that can make publisher earn even if site is not published posts daily, also it is compatible with Adsense because it is clean and comply with ads standard.

They offer both monthly and weekly payment and their minimum payout is 5 USD for ePayment, Webmoney and Paypal, 20 USD for Payoneer and 500 USD for wire transfer.

Best ads for higher CPM rate;

In-Page Push

Browser-based notifications for all platforms and devices, iOS and MacOS included. They look native and don’t require users’ opt-in consent.


Propellerads pays higher rate on pop than any other network which is good for any publisher. Pop is best option for downloads sites, Viral & dating sites. This network offers up to 70 USD rate depending on location, action and daily offered rates.


Big page-overlaying banners, for mobile and desktop. Draw all the attention to your message with these highly interactive banners.

Push Notifications

Short personalized messages delivered to your target audience even when they are not browsing – across major platforms and devices

Survey Exit

Target audience pre-engaged with online surveys, and skyrocket your CTRs and CRs

Direct Link

This ad solution is the best for video, beauty, Lifestyle, viral, buzz, tech and dating sites, also it gives higher CPM rate up 80 USD than Pop because it is possible for visitors to take further action when they click this ad. Like pop this ad is not compatible with Adsense.

Final Thought: Properllerads works fine for 1st and 2nd tier countries, but if your site generates enough traffic from other tiers, then use push to accumulate earnings. Propellerads push is the best than any other because it generates increment earning which is best for all kind of traffic. Also Direct link and Pop are good option too, but after testing this network I find out that its better to use all three ads on one site or two of them.

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